Learning by doing

Since 1991 we developed and provided group activities which can reveal unintentional behavior in the areas of leadership, communication and teamwork. And we keep doing that!

Check active methods

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Action speaks louder than words…

We believe bringing people into motion is an effective way to learn. During our outdoor (non servival) assignments behaviour becomes evident in a potent, effective and practical way.

Learn more about our Active Methods

Chinese Highway

Built a highway that is as long as possible and can carry as many balls as possible. This assignment shows (inter)dependency and is an excellent example of the chain being only as strong as its weakest link!

A Learning Organization

De Lerende Organisatie is een dynamische managementgame waarbij we organisaties een ervaring om van te leren aanbieden, door deelnemers in een binnen- en buitendienst in te delen.

We work with active methods

Bunker Nozemq

The Secret of Nozema

NEW! In teams, literally map the old nuclear bunker (at Het Zendstation in Lopikerkapel)! During this unique project assignment, teams experience the dynamics of cooperation and the meaning of communication. Are you up to the challenge (in the dark)?

Deelnemers rollen bal over chinese highway

Chinese Highway

Built a highway that is as long as possible and can carry as many balls as possible. This assignment shows (inter)dependency and is an excellent example of the chain being only as strong as its weakest link!

Outdoortraining leiderschap

Outdoor training ‘Leadership’

Using outdoor leadership training to work on personal development within the leadership framework? This training offers practical tools.

GPS in actie

A Learning Organization

The Learning Organisation is a dynamic management game in which we offer organisations an experience to learn from, by dividing participants into inner and outer teams.


Since 1991, we have supported clients in developing and implementing learning and development programmes that literally and figuratively get and keep people and organisations moving. We strive to make learning and development fun without giving participants the feeling of ‘playing games’. Our experience-based approach using active forms of work always serves the objectives to be achieved.

With a core team of permanent staff and a network of professional friends and instructors, our size is always as big as it needs to be. This enables us to be active at several locations at the same time, work with large groups and offer intervention from two-hour to multi-year training programmes.

Check out the video to the right and see how we work. How ‘experience teaches’.

Outing Holland

Since 1991, we have supported clients in developing and implementing learning and development processes that get and keep people and organisations moving.

Customer appreciation

Read reviews from several customers here.

Our office

Pand Outing Holland

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Bartóklaan 11
3533 JA Utrecht

+31 (0)30 296 2456

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