Our team building programme ‘A Learning Organisation’ is a dynamic serious game best used for organisations that want to take a closer look at their learning capacity and the process of communication and information exchange. A Learning Organization takes place both indoors and outdoors (at the same time).

The assignment

Puzzel bij De Lerende Organisatie

During A Learning Organisation, participants are divided into indoor and outdoor teams. The inside team will work inside on challenging assignments (questions, puzzles, brainteasers). Money can be earned by solving the assignments.

The outdoor teams use GPS equipment to search for so-called multipliers, which can be used to multiply the revenue earned with a successful indoor assignment. How do the different departments work together and exchange information to create the highest possible outcomes? After the game we debrief en discuss the group processes. Together, we fine-tune the balance between having fun and learning.


De lerende organisatie GPS

The Learning Organisation is a serious game suitable for the following themes:

  • communication (and dependency!) between teams or departments
  • learning together
  • working towards a common goal
  • team thinking versus organizational thinking
  • understanding your cooperation
  • working together remotly


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Outing Holland

Since 1991, we have supported clients in developing and implementing learning and development processes that get and keep people and organisations moving.

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