More than just training

It may sound strange for a training agency, but the actual training is only part of our job. Most of our time is spent on designing, planning and evaluation. During the training we support the (group) process, reflect and facilitate transfer of what’s been learned during the day to the workplace. 

Program design

After careful consultation we design a programme that meets your needs. We define realistic development goals and propose suitable interactive workshops. You will receive a quotation, along with a description of the exercise(s) and possible locations.


Which preparations are needed differs per program. We help to create the right briefing for the participants in preparation for the training. Before the training, we speak with the teamlead or manager. For programmes in which participants have personal goals (e.g. Leadership/personal development programmes) we plan for a conversation with each individual participant. Participants will often receive a couple of questions beforehand to help them prepare for the specific themes. Additionally, participants can take our team test ‘TeamQ’. This online instrument creates insight in teamdynamics and creating guidelines for change. This is a great starting point for discussion and exploration.

Supervision and reflection

During the training our main focus lies with the process, how. you work as a team (see Methodology). When an exercise is finished, the participants and trainer reflect on the (predetermined) goals. We then transfer the learnings to the workspace. Guided by our feedback rules, participants are invited to ask for and give feedback.

After the program

It is only after the interactive workshop that the learning really begins. We can plan an extensive ‘outtake’ meeting or you can opt for coaching on the job. Participants are always responsible for their own development, so this is what we try to guide them in during our trainingdays.


We value how clients and suppliers have experienced working with us. During a conversation with all participating parties, we review the programme and ask ourselves: Did the training achieve the desired results and were there any unanticipated outcomes?

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Outing Holland

Since 1991, we have supported clients in developing and implementing learning and development processes that get and keep people and organisations moving.

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