Despite the great care and attention to the composition of this website, it is possible that some information published may be incomplete or incorrect.

The information on this website is regularly updated. Changes can be made with immediate effect and without prior notice. A visitor to this website can’t publish or reproduce copyright works or any other information stored on this website without prior, written permission of the Executive Board of Outing Holland.

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We do not accept any liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind arising from or in any way connected with the use of this website, or with the temporary inability to access this website. We are also not liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information obtained through this site.

On this site we show photos, reviews and case studies. Although we have tried to inform people and/or organizations about the fact that they are, in any way, on this website, it is possible we may not have informed you. Our sincere apologies if this is the case.

If you have insurmountable objections against the use of; your name, your organisation name, photos or images, or photos/images you own the copyright of, please contact us and we will, of course, deal with your feedback in an extremely professional way.

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