Our 10 fundamental principles of experiential learning demonstrate clearly what our approach is based on.

  1. The goal of our exercises is to support learning.
  2. The exercises are designed to set you into motion, both literally and figuratively.
  3. Participants can explore and experiment with behavior.
  4. Everything you perceive and experience is real. There is no role playing involved.
  5. Activities are accessible to everyone and opportunity for learning is maximized.
  6. Action and reflection alternate effectively.
  7. Transfer of the results of the training to the workplace is a central part of any Outing Holland interactive workshop.
  8. Thinking, doing and feeling are effectively combined.
  9. The experiences are supported by theory.
  10. All exercises are supervised by an instructor (facilities) and a trainer/coach (behavior).

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Outing Holland

Since 1991, we have supported clients in developing and implementing learning and development processes that get and keep people and organisations moving.

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